Equipment/Composition/Shot List/Upload Guide. Updated by TJ Rak November 1, 2017.

Suggested full frame camera with variety of lens. Suggested 16-35mm 2.8, 24-70mm 2.8 and 70-200mm 2.8.

Catch speaker on third tack-sharp, balanced on large JPEG smooth setting. See samples.

Catch speaker on third tack-sharp, balanced on large JPEG smooth setting. See samples.

Catch speaker on third tack-sharp, balanced on large JPEG smooth setting. See samples.

Catch speaker interactive in talk engaging with use of background colour and shapes.
Catch speaker interactive in talk engaging with use of background colour and shapes.
Large side situational shot of speaker and audience.

Images are to be uploaded to named folder within 5-7 minutes of speaker on stage. Photos should be captured ready for production with no edit required. 3-5 images per speaker required.

Upload to Day/Name of Speaker. Create on fly as speaker order announced day of event.

See sample of folder structure above.

When images are shot and delivered successfully this will be final product for reference.

When images are shot and delivered successfully this will be final product for reference.

When images are shot and delivered successfully this will be final product for reference.